I started this blog to express and communicate the importance of living your destiny. Each and everyone of us has a distinct purpose, passion and/or talent and I truly believe that when you live your life doing what it is you were set out to do - you will be happy, fulfilled and be the best that you can be! Everything we require to fulfill our destiny is within us and we just have to channel it properly.
When You Truly Love Yourself and Think of Yourself as an Awesome Creation - Your Beauty will Radiate from You and Attract all the Wonderful Things That Life Has to Offer!
Know That You Are Powerful!
Everything that you will ever be is already inside of you - just believe you can accomplish anything and you will astonish yourself. It has a lot to do how you look at it... "You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop" ~Rumi
Embrace Life!
Live in the NOW. Don't live in the past - It's done. Do not fear the future. Learn to appreciate what's in front of you and revel in this amazing blessing called TODAY!
Think about this "Only Now Is Real" ~Eckhart Tolle
Don't Compare Yourself With Others! "Be Yourself - Everyone Else Is Already Taken" ~Oscar Wilde. There is no one else like you. You are special and you have qualities and talents that make you unique. Be proud of the person you are!
Don't Get Stressed-Out and Over-React!
We all have situations arise that are not in our control and it is how we react to these situations good or bad that determine the outcome. "With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself, or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose" ~Wayne Dyer
Love Yourself!
Stop harping on the things that you aren't and honour and love everything that you are. "If you want to soar in life, you must first learn to F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself)" ~Mark Sterling
Stay Upbeat!
Do what makes you happy - NOW! If there is something that brings joy, fulfillment and a smile on your face, you need to make time for it. It is so important to treat yourself to things that truly bring your spirit to life. It is surprising what this can do for you and how much it can inspire you and change your outlook on life.
Enjoy the Journey!
We are all on our own path and journey - each minute is a blessing - choose to live with happiness and love in your heart.
Attitude = Success: The right attitude, positive thinking and belief in yourself is the secret to success! Your attitude is like a price tag, it shows how valuable you are.
In an earlier post I said I would update you on my experience with my new USANA supplements. I started taking their Health Pak multi-vitamins & anti-oxidants on Friday, April 25th and today marks 3 weeks.
I have never felt better! I am so excited about the results I have already started to see in my over all energy, skin and general well-being. I am not surprised about the way I feel because it makes sense that when you improve the health of your cells - you improve the health of your entire body. Dr. Wentz, the founder of USANA, created supplements that target the cell and provide them with the essential nutrients for optimum health for the whole body.
A Bit About the Founder of USANA:
Dr. Myron Wentz is a world renowned microbiologist, immunologist and pioneer in infectious disease diagnosis. In 1974, he founded GULL Laboratories to develop viral diagnostics and his greatest successes during this time include the first commercially available diagnostic test for Epstein-Barr virus also known as Mononucleosis.
Dr. Wentz centered his life around a dream dating back to his teenage years when his father died at the age of 57 from heart disease. From that defining moment, he made a decision to dream big: To dream of a world free from pain and suffering - A World Free From Disease!
Countless studies have shown that the key to a longer health span lies in choosing a lifestyle that supports optimal health. Things like proper diet, quality supplementation, exercise and proper hydration all impact on our ability to live life to its full potential. Public health scientists have found new evidence of the threats to our cellular health posed by our toxic environment. The air we breathe, water we drink, and foods we eat contain substances that may be damaging to our cells. Other medical professionals agree, more than ever, on the importance of supplementation. Many believe supplementary antioxidants are necessary for aiding the body's normal defense systems in combating free radicals.
The statistics are alarming and studies are showing that more and more people are being affected by degenerative diseases than ever. The facts are becoming more clear that there are more toxins and not enough nutrients in our bodies.
Many people are making more of an effort today to eat right but the sad reality is, fruits and vegetables don't have the same nutritional value they had years ago. A carrot you eat today has so many fewer vitamins and minerals than ones grown in the 1970's. We would have to eat an unrealistic amount of fruits and vegetables to receive the same benefits as years ago. The soil from many farms today has become so depleted that where one time we would have a highly enriched soil of approx. 52 minerals, today there might only be 3 minerals.
My understanding on the importance of proper nutrition and supplementation came after watching "Food Matters" on NetFlix. This was a life changing documentary that opened my eyes to the disappointing facts about our food and the disturbing truths regarding the pharmaceutical industry.
I highly recommend that everyone watch this powerful and important documentary. It will positively impact you and will force you to re-look at how you see food. Educating yourself on proper nutrition is the first step to improving the chances of a long and healthy life. In my quest to learn about proper nutrition, I discovered an amazing company that is a leader in providing award winning supplements and I believe in them so much that I work for this company selling them. If you are interested in finding out more about Usana and its' products and/or you are ready to take your health to a whole new level and want to purchase their amazing supplements, please don't hesitate to contact me! They will change your life too! Email me at channelyourdestiny@gmail.com
Learn More about Usana's supplements by clicking on the video below:
I decided to talk about "Random Acts of Kindness" because it happened to me today. I usually do a coffee run to Tim's each morning and as usual, I picked up a coffee for my husband and I and when I arrived at the window to pay I was informed that the woman in front of me had paid for my order. I was pleasantly shocked and left the window with a huge smile that I could not remove from my face for the rest of the morning. Such a small act with such a huge impact. It immediately inspired me to want to do the same for someone else - they say kindness is contagious. It really got me thinking of how much better our world would be if everyone did one act of kindness everyday.
Here are some incredible quotes about kindness:
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give" ~Winston Churchill
"One of the most beautiful compensations in life is that no man can help another without helping himself" ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"To the world you may be just one person... but to one person you might just be the world" ~Mark Twain
"Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness" ~Seneca
"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves" ~James Barrie
"You have not lived a perfect day, even though you have earned your money, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you" ~Ruth Smeltzer
"May you remember that love flows best when it flows freely, and it is in giving that we receive the greatest gift" ~Kate Nowak
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around" ~Leo Buscaglia
"Be the change you wish to see in the world" ~Ghandi
"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see" ~Mark Twain
Paying it Forward Video: How Kindness is Contagious!
In order to allow our Souls to shine so that we can truly be everything we were meant to be, we have to peel all the layers of negative emotion that has almost imprisoned our "Spirit" and literally hidden our "Light". We all go through ups and downs in life and what can tend to happen is we carry with us anger, resentment, disappointment and hurt which stifle who it is we really want to be and many times it makes us depressed without even knowing it. Other ways to let our soul shine is to be more aware of what we say and how we say it, how we act, how we treat ourselves and others.
The way to liberate our Souls so they can illuminate the world is living your life with:
Forgiveness:"To forgive is to set a prisoner free, and realize the prisoner was You"
Gratitude: " If the only prayer you say in your life is "thank you", that would suffice"~ Meister Eckhart
Compassion & Kindness: "Compassion is the antitoxin of the soul: where there is compassion even the most poisonous impulses remain relatively harmless" ~E. Hoffer