Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Step 3: Improving My Soul - Allowing "ME" to Shine

What is the soul? (Please watch the video) 

In order to allow our Souls to shine so that we can truly be everything we were meant to be, we have to peel all the layers of negative emotion that has almost imprisoned our "Spirit" and literally hidden our "Light". We all go through ups and downs in life and what can tend to happen is we carry with us anger, resentment, disappointment and hurt which stifle who it is we really want to be and many times it makes us depressed without even knowing it. Other ways to let our soul shine is to be more aware of what we say and how we say it, how we act, how we treat ourselves and others.

The way to liberate our Souls so they can illuminate the world is living your life with: 

Forgiveness: "To forgive is to set a prisoner free, and realize the prisoner was You"

Gratitude: " If the only prayer you say in your life is "thank you", that would suffice"~ Meister Eckhart

Compassion & Kindness: "Compassion is the antitoxin of the soul: where there is compassion even the most poisonous impulses remain relatively harmless" ~E. Hoffer

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