Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Step 2: Improving My Mind: Discovering the Power of Thought

As I mentioned in my earlier posts, there are three major components that make up who we are: Mind, Body and Soul. When you are living at the highest level in each of these areas, your life will flourish in ways you can't even imagine. 

In my quest to wanting to live out my destiny, I researched many topics by watching documentaries and reading the inspirational stories of many successful people and all this amazing information was so instrumental in helping me discover who I was and what I was meant to do. However, if there was ever something that I could recommend to anyone, on their own journey of discovery... it would be this amazing motivational audio/video by Earl Nightingale called the Strangest Secret. It changed my life and I believe it will change yours! Please take the 30 minutes to watch it and I promise you, you will be moved as I was. (Video is below this post).

As I researched how to improve these three areas in my own life, I was captivated and blown away on what I learned about our Minds. Our minds our incredibly powerful, with unlimited potential and you can literally create anything you desire by just believing in your goals and thinking without uncertainty, fear or doubt that you will accomplish whatever it is you want to do. You are what you think - it's actually a very simple statement to say and to understand but so many of us do not use it to our advantage. We easily get caught up in all the negativity that surrounds us, especially through the media, and we allow this negativity to enter our thoughts and as a result we live unhappy, fearful and unfulfilled days that suffocate all the wonder and awesomeness that exists within us.

To begin, we need to start changing our vocabulary from "I Can't" to "I Can", "I'm Not" to "I Am". Just saying these simple words and attaching what you want in your life to them, will magically program your mind to think positive thoughts and you will reap what you sow. For example, I can say, I am filled with Love and Energy". If I think or even say this out loud and I believe it in my heart, then when you go about your day, you will find that you will act out of love and radiate an awesome energy. It really is that easy. It is a real shame that we do not get taught in school or have a class that focuses on the Power of Thought and the Importance of Attitude. If everyone began their lives believing that Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and that Attitude is Everything there would be nothing stopping you from achieving a successful and fulfilling life by living your passion! Imagine what our world would be like if everyone did what they were called to do!

When you finally believe that your destiny is in your control and all you have to do is think it, believe it and live it... there is no way you can't make all your dreams come true.

Remember... Ask and It Shall Be Given, Seek and You Shall Find, Knock and It Shall Be Opened.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Step 1: Improving My Body - Physically

I spoke yesterday about starting my quest to become nutritionally fit and the importance of a fit body. Hand-in-hand, a fit body must also be one that is active and strong. The importance of physical fitness for overall health can't be emphasized enough. Regular exercise will efficiently burn calories, keep your weight under control, maintain the performance of our lungs, improve muscle strength, increase joint flexibility and improve endurance.

Any physical activity is better than none but the most benefit will come from a warm up of about 5-10 minutes - performing stretches to increase flexibility and increase blood flow and prepare your body for action. Completing a good cardio program that is approximately 20-30 minutes in length and then finishing with a cool down and stretch for 5-10 minutes.

You have to find a place that works for you and some people prefer going to a gym but I have started a workout routine in the comfort of my own home. Thanks to the Internet, I am able to follow an instructor that can take me through stretches that work my upper, lower body and core areas and then I choose one of my favourite Zumba class videos or any fitness class on YouTube and not only do I get a great workout but you can learn some dance moves as well. I finish things off with a cool down and a short Yoga program is perfect for this. By the end, my body feels alive and my spirit feels at peace - perfect way to start my day!

Exercise is also known to boost your brainpower. There is new evidence showing that there are cognitive improvements as a result of increased blood flow to the brain and the greater the blood flow, the faster the oxygen and other important nutrients can reach nerve cells. Other studies show that physical exercise helps increase overall happiness and can relieve symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety. This is a great segue into tomorrows post on "Improving the Mind". We have an incredible power in the way we think  - Your Thoughts Create Your Reality!

There are so many benefits to exercise that you can't afford to keep putting it off and not making it a priority. The time and effort is so worth the benefits and YOUR BODY will thank you!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Step 1: Improving My Body - Nutritionally

Before I can pursue and live out my dream of being a motivational speaker/life coach, I need to be prepared Mind, Body and Soul and therefore I will first try to improve the quality of these three important aspects of what makes me - ME!

Body: My Physical Health
I say timing is everything and it is amazing how things fall into place when you have a clear goal and vision. My sister-in-law, who is a huge advocate of eating and living healthy, introduced me to an amazing company (USANA) that offers incredible products to improve overall health. Her energy and positivity connected with me and after her explanation of the products and her testimonial on what they did for her, I was excited to see what they could do for me. As a 46 year old, I have been thinking about my health more than ever, feeling more and more that my lack of physical activity and improper diet was catching up. I also had a major health scare when I put out my back recently and had to be brought to the hospital by ambulance because I couldn't move. It felt as if my back broke and I was literally knocked off my feet for a couple of weeks recuperating. I have had minor back issues almost all my life due to scoliosis (a curvature in the spine), but what I realized is my condition would probably worsen the older I got. This was my wake up call and I knew that I needed to start taking care of myself immediately in two ways: Becoming More Physically and Nutritionally Fit.

I decided to due my due diligence and research USANA and other like companies to see who offered the best products to improve overall health. I was astounded to find out that there really was no other company that truly compared to USANA's offerings and its impeccable high quality of standards and achievements.
USANA offers a personalized approach to nutrition, business and customer care. They specialize in nutritional and skin-care products that are all about improving your health from the cell up. Usana was founded by an immunologist and microbiologist Myron Wentz who saw that there was a growing trend in the number of cases of cancer, diabetes, stroke, cardio-vascular and respiratory diseases and in fact, there are stats that show there are more than 60,000 new cases of Diabetes EACH YEAR! With these alarming facts and statistics, Dr. Wentz pursued his vision of freeing the world of pain and suffering where people could experience physical health, emotional well-being and financial stability.

The testimonials speak for themselves. People who have been using the USANA products will tell you that they have seen a transformation in their overall health from improved hair and skin quality to higher energy levels. After seeing what these products have done for my sister-in-law, her friends and other colleagues of USANA, I was more than ready to try the products myself  - proof is in the pudding.

On Friday, April 25th, I started with USANA's Health Pak supplements which include multi-vitamins and anti-oxidants that provide a full daily dose of essential nutrients for the entire body from the cell up and to fight cell-damaging aging oxidative stress. I am very optimistic and can't wait to see and feel the results myself. I am told that you usually start noticing a difference from as little as a weeks time. I will be updating my personal experience with these products as the days go on and look forward to anyone's questions or feedback!

Feed Your Body The Proper Fuel!

As much as it is still important to eat the right foods, supplements are becoming more important as much of the foods we eat have less nutrients and more chemicals/toxins than ever. More studies are showing that the carrots you eat today are different than the ones that were grown in the 1970's due to soil depletion. Modern intensive agriculture methods have stripped increasing amounts of nutrients from the soil in which the food we eat grows.


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Starting My Journey

After having gone through a number of difficult challenges and obstacles in the last 11 years, I realized that I was being forced to evaluate my life and figure out why I wasn't truly happy and really "living". It felt as though I was being pushed to discover that there was something more important I was supposed to be doing with my life. I believe that if you are not actively seeking or doing what you are meant to do, the universe somehow creates situations that almost force you to look inside and open your eyes to it. I did a lot of thinking and introspecting and surprisingly things started to become more clear. I realized that I possessed certain talents and gifts that I wasn't utilizing properly:

1. An Abundance of Energy
2. Optimistic and Happy Demeanour
3. Engaging Communicator
4. Customer Service Specialist - Caring for and Helping People

Once I took inventory of them, the epiphany was revealed and I discovered that my passion was helping and empowering people to feel happy and live their lives to the fullest... and the way I was going to do this was be a Motivational Speaker/Life Coach!  

Now that I look back at my life it becomes more obvious that I had many signs pointing towards my newly revealed "goal" but due to my circumstances and even some doubt in myself, I ignored what was right in front of me. I consider myself lucky that I have become aware of what my passion and destiny is and I can't wait to begin my journey to making this a reality!

Do You Want to Live Happier and More Fulfilled?

Start Making Your Check List of Gifts, Talents and Things That Truly Bring You Joy...
So You Can Discover your Passion and Begin to Live a More Purposeful Life!