Monday, April 28, 2014

Step 1: Improving My Body - Nutritionally

Before I can pursue and live out my dream of being a motivational speaker/life coach, I need to be prepared Mind, Body and Soul and therefore I will first try to improve the quality of these three important aspects of what makes me - ME!

Body: My Physical Health
I say timing is everything and it is amazing how things fall into place when you have a clear goal and vision. My sister-in-law, who is a huge advocate of eating and living healthy, introduced me to an amazing company (USANA) that offers incredible products to improve overall health. Her energy and positivity connected with me and after her explanation of the products and her testimonial on what they did for her, I was excited to see what they could do for me. As a 46 year old, I have been thinking about my health more than ever, feeling more and more that my lack of physical activity and improper diet was catching up. I also had a major health scare when I put out my back recently and had to be brought to the hospital by ambulance because I couldn't move. It felt as if my back broke and I was literally knocked off my feet for a couple of weeks recuperating. I have had minor back issues almost all my life due to scoliosis (a curvature in the spine), but what I realized is my condition would probably worsen the older I got. This was my wake up call and I knew that I needed to start taking care of myself immediately in two ways: Becoming More Physically and Nutritionally Fit.

I decided to due my due diligence and research USANA and other like companies to see who offered the best products to improve overall health. I was astounded to find out that there really was no other company that truly compared to USANA's offerings and its impeccable high quality of standards and achievements.
USANA offers a personalized approach to nutrition, business and customer care. They specialize in nutritional and skin-care products that are all about improving your health from the cell up. Usana was founded by an immunologist and microbiologist Myron Wentz who saw that there was a growing trend in the number of cases of cancer, diabetes, stroke, cardio-vascular and respiratory diseases and in fact, there are stats that show there are more than 60,000 new cases of Diabetes EACH YEAR! With these alarming facts and statistics, Dr. Wentz pursued his vision of freeing the world of pain and suffering where people could experience physical health, emotional well-being and financial stability.

The testimonials speak for themselves. People who have been using the USANA products will tell you that they have seen a transformation in their overall health from improved hair and skin quality to higher energy levels. After seeing what these products have done for my sister-in-law, her friends and other colleagues of USANA, I was more than ready to try the products myself  - proof is in the pudding.

On Friday, April 25th, I started with USANA's Health Pak supplements which include multi-vitamins and anti-oxidants that provide a full daily dose of essential nutrients for the entire body from the cell up and to fight cell-damaging aging oxidative stress. I am very optimistic and can't wait to see and feel the results myself. I am told that you usually start noticing a difference from as little as a weeks time. I will be updating my personal experience with these products as the days go on and look forward to anyone's questions or feedback!

Feed Your Body The Proper Fuel!

As much as it is still important to eat the right foods, supplements are becoming more important as much of the foods we eat have less nutrients and more chemicals/toxins than ever. More studies are showing that the carrots you eat today are different than the ones that were grown in the 1970's due to soil depletion. Modern intensive agriculture methods have stripped increasing amounts of nutrients from the soil in which the food we eat grows.


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