Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Step 2: Improving My Mind: Discovering the Power of Thought

As I mentioned in my earlier posts, there are three major components that make up who we are: Mind, Body and Soul. When you are living at the highest level in each of these areas, your life will flourish in ways you can't even imagine. 

In my quest to wanting to live out my destiny, I researched many topics by watching documentaries and reading the inspirational stories of many successful people and all this amazing information was so instrumental in helping me discover who I was and what I was meant to do. However, if there was ever something that I could recommend to anyone, on their own journey of discovery... it would be this amazing motivational audio/video by Earl Nightingale called the Strangest Secret. It changed my life and I believe it will change yours! Please take the 30 minutes to watch it and I promise you, you will be moved as I was. (Video is below this post).

As I researched how to improve these three areas in my own life, I was captivated and blown away on what I learned about our Minds. Our minds our incredibly powerful, with unlimited potential and you can literally create anything you desire by just believing in your goals and thinking without uncertainty, fear or doubt that you will accomplish whatever it is you want to do. You are what you think - it's actually a very simple statement to say and to understand but so many of us do not use it to our advantage. We easily get caught up in all the negativity that surrounds us, especially through the media, and we allow this negativity to enter our thoughts and as a result we live unhappy, fearful and unfulfilled days that suffocate all the wonder and awesomeness that exists within us.

To begin, we need to start changing our vocabulary from "I Can't" to "I Can", "I'm Not" to "I Am". Just saying these simple words and attaching what you want in your life to them, will magically program your mind to think positive thoughts and you will reap what you sow. For example, I can say, I am filled with Love and Energy". If I think or even say this out loud and I believe it in my heart, then when you go about your day, you will find that you will act out of love and radiate an awesome energy. It really is that easy. It is a real shame that we do not get taught in school or have a class that focuses on the Power of Thought and the Importance of Attitude. If everyone began their lives believing that Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and that Attitude is Everything there would be nothing stopping you from achieving a successful and fulfilling life by living your passion! Imagine what our world would be like if everyone did what they were called to do!

When you finally believe that your destiny is in your control and all you have to do is think it, believe it and live it... there is no way you can't make all your dreams come true.

Remember... Ask and It Shall Be Given, Seek and You Shall Find, Knock and It Shall Be Opened.

1 comment:

  1. Such a Powerful Video and Message! Loved it <3 Thanks for Sharing!!
